Where To Put a UV Fly Killer?



Flies can quickly become a nuisance, buzzing around our homes and outdoor spaces. To effectively control fly populations, many people turn to UV Fly Killers. These devices use ultraviolet light to attract flies and then trap or kill them, providing a convenient and chemical-free solution. In this blog, we will explore the optimal placement for a UV fly killer to enhance its effectiveness and maximize fly control.

Indoor Placement of UV Fly Killer:

  • a) Kitchen and Dining Areas: Flies are often attracted to areas where food is prepared or consumed. Placing a UV fly killer in the kitchen or dining areas can help capture flies before they have a chance to bother you during meals.
  • b) Near Windows: Flies are naturally drawn towards light sources, including sunlight streaming through windows. Installing a UV fly killer near windows can take advantage of this behavior, attracting and capturing flies before they enter your living spaces.
  • c) High-Traffic Areas: Identify areas where flies are frequently encountered, such as entryways, hallways, or common rooms. Placing a UV fly killer in these high-traffic areas increases the chances of attracting and trapping flies, reducing their presence in your home.
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Outdoor Placement of UV Fly Killer:

  • a) Patio or Outdoor Seating Areas: Flies often gather in outdoor spaces, especially when food or drinks are present. Positioning a UV Fly Killer in patio or outdoor seating areas can help keep flies at bay and create a more enjoyable experience for you and your guests.
  • b) Near Trash Bins: Flies are attracted to decaying and decomposing materials, making trash bins a common feeding ground. Placing a UV Fly Killer near trash bins can intercept flies before they reach the garbage, minimizing their access to potential breeding and food sources.
  • c) Gardens or Backyard Spaces: Flies are often found near vegetation or compost piles. Positioning a UV Fly Killer in gardens or backyard spaces can help control fly populations and protect your plants from any damage caused by these pests.
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UV Fly Trap

General Tips for Placement:

  1. Height and Visibility: Position the UV Fly Killer at a height of approximately 3-5 feet, as this is the typical flight level for flies. Ensure it is easily visible to flies and located in well-lit areas for maximum attraction.
  2. Avoid Obstructions: Place the UV Fly Killer in areas free from obstructions that may block the flies’ line of sight. Ensure there is ample space around the device for flies to approach it from different angles.
  3. Away from Competing Light Sources: Position the UV Fly Killer away from competing light sources, as excessive brightness from other lights may diminish its effectiveness in attracting flies.
  4. Away from Air Currents: Position the UV Fly Killer away from strong air currents, as these can disrupt the trap’s ability to effectively capture flies. Flies are more likely to be attracted and caught in calmer air.
  5. Consider Multiple Killers: Depending on the size of the area you want to cover, consider using multiple UV Fly Killers strategically placed throughout your space. This will increase the likelihood of capturing more flies and enhancing overall control.


Optimal placement of a UV Fly Killer plays a vital role in maximizing its effectiveness in capturing and controlling flies. By strategically placing these devices indoors and outdoors, targeting areas where flies are commonly attracted or encountered, we can significantly reduce fly populations and enjoy a more fly-free environment. Remember to clean and maintain the UV fly killers regularly to ensure optimal performance. Employing UV fly killers, along with other preventative measures, will help create a more pleasant living space by effectively controlling fly infestations without the need for chemicals or harmful substances.

Importantly, adjust the positioning as needed, especially if you observe changes in fly activity or if the trap’s effectiveness seems to decline over time.

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